Irish Setter – Disease Predisposition


Cardiovascular conditions

Persistent right aortic arch (vascular ring anomaly)
  • Congenital
  • Not all studies confirm predisposition in this breed

Dermatological conditions

Primary seborrhoea
  • Probably inherited as autosomal recessive
  • Rare
  • Congenital
  • Possibly inherited as autosomal recessive
Ehler-Danlos syndrome
Nasal depigmentation
  • Also known as Dudley nose
Acral lick dermatitis
  • More often seen in males
  • Can occur at any age, but usually over 5 years
Callus dermatitis/pyoderma
  • Usually affects the sternum in this breed
  • May occur at a young age in this breed

Endocrine conditions

  • Higher incidence seen in this breed
  • Usually middle-aged and older dogs

Gastrointestinal conditions

Congenital idiopathic megaoesophagus
  • Breed predisposition
Vascular ring anomaly
  • Breed predisposition –  inheritance suspected
Gastric dilatation-volvulus
  • Breed predisposition
Gluten-sensitive enteropathy
  • Breed predisposition
Perianal fistula

Musculoskeletal conditions

Temporomandibular dysplasia/luxation
  • Congenital dysplasia may predispose to luxation
Irish Setter hypochondroplasia
  • Mildly short limbs seen
  • Inherited as autosomal recessive
Canine idiopathic polyarthritis
  • Usually affects dogs at 1–3 years, but any age can be affected
  • Males predisposed

Neoplastic conditions

Sebaceous gland tumours
  • Possible breed predisposition to sebaceous epithelioma
  • Seen in older dogs (average age 10 years)
  • Breed predisposition
  • Average age 8–9 years
Melanoma of the digit

Haematological conditions

Granulocytopathy of Irish Setters
  • Inherited as an autosomal recessive trait
Canine leucocyte adhesion deficiency (CLAD)
  • Seen in GB and Sweden

Neurological conditions

Cerebellar malformation
  • Congenital
  • Uncommon
True epilepsy
  • Inherited
  • Rare developmental disease
Ambylopia and quadriplegia
  • Autosomal recessive inheritance
  • Congenital paralysis and blindness with no visible ocular cause (ambylopia)
Hyperaesthesia syndrome

Ocular conditions

Entropion (usually lower lids)
  • Breed predisposition – polygenic inheritance likely
Eversion of the cartilage of the nictitating membrane
  • Breed predisposition; possibly inherited as a recessive trait
Refractory corneal ulceration
  • Breed predisposition
  • Inheritance suspected
Generalised progressive retinal atrophy (GPRA)
  • Autosomal recessive inheritance
  • A second form of PRA, occurring at 4–5 years, may be seen in this breed
  • Congenital condition
Optic nerve colobomas
  • Congenital defect
Ambylopia and quadriplegia
  • Autosomal recessive inheritance
  • Congenital paralysis and blindness with no visible ocular cause (ambylopia)

Renal and urinary conditions

Urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence (causing urinary incontinence)
  • Possible breed predisposition in female dogs

Respiratory conditions

Laryngeal paralysis

2 Comments on "Irish Setter – Disease Predisposition"

  1. wilko jansen | November 16, 2015 at 2:56 pm |

    hi Paul,
    where did you get all this information? and who is the red dog?
    how many times do you update this disease predisposition?

  2. Judith Wilson-Pates | July 13, 2016 at 11:45 am |

    So glad to see you list gluten sensitive enteropathy! It took 2 years for me to discover that my pup had this problem. None of the vets I saw knew about it and the breeder seemed surprised when I sent her an article from a veterinary science journal about it. Recently I learned that a neighbor’s setter, which came from Canada, also has it. Her dog had been chronically ill for 3-4 years before she found out the cause.

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